Mac Picasso Artwork-sm

The Vintage Mac Museum is a private, working collection of the pre-Intel Apple Macintosh: 68k and PowerPC Macinti, old Mac software, period advertising and memorabilia. We provide old Mac file transfers and conversion services, along with research into old Mac technologies for patent prior art searches or academic purposes. This website is designed to be both a virtual museum and a compilation of resources to help find information about old Mac hardware and software, gain access to legacy data, and keep old Macs running.

Macs have been around for nearly three decades. The Macintosh is a seminal computer for many reasons, and is frequently the platform of choice for artists and free thinkers worldwide. Here’s hoping that the Spirit of Macintosh lives on, enabling us to Think Different and continue to do great things. Enjoy the museum!

Adam Rosen, Vintage Mac Museum Curator

The Vintage Mac Museum is a labor of love by Oakbog, Apple Macintosh and iOS Consulting services.

Welcome to Macintosh. Say Hello Again. And thanks for visiting!